Thursday, May 19, 2011

about lumbini

About Lumbini

LumbiniLumbini is located in the south-central Terai of  Nepal, situated in the foothills of the Himalayas. For millions of  Buddhists the world over, it evokes a kind of holy sentiment akin to the significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Mecca to Muslims. Lumbini is the place where Lord Buddha - the apostle of peace, and the Light of Asia - was born in 623 B.C. In historical terms, the region is an exquisite treasure-trove of ancient ruins and antiquities, dating back to the pre-Christian era. The site (Lumbini Grove) was described as a beautiful garden in the Buddha's time and still retains its legendary charm and beauty. Both the Shakyas and Kolias Clans owned the garden and its tranquil environs at the time of Lord Buddha's birth. King Suddhodana, father of Buddha was of the Shakya Dynasty belonging to the Kshatriya or Warrior Caste.

For centuries, Buddhists the world over knew that the general area of Lumbini was where the Lord was born. In the words of those famous Chinese pilgrims of antiquity, Huian Tsang and Faeihan, 'Lumbini -where the Lord was born - is a piece of Heaven on Earth, where one could see the snowy mountains amidst a splendid garden, embedded with stupas and monasteries!' However, the exact location remained uncertain and obscure until 1 December 1886 when a wandering German archaeologist Dr. Alois A. Fuhrer came across a stone pillar and ascertained beyond doubt it was indeed the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Since that day it has become a focal point for hundreds of thousands of pilgrims.

Lumbini is the fourth largest tourist destination in Nepal. Nearly 20,000 tourists visit the area every year (Source: Nepal Tourism Board). Recently, UNESCO has declared it a World Heritage Site. It has great potential to grow as the major tourist destination in years to come.

The significance of Lumbini
Many of the places that were of importance to the Lord Buddha during his life retain a potent significance to Buddhists of today. Unsurprisingly, nowhere has a greater significance than the site of his birth. In the words of Buddha himself: "O-Bhikshus', after my death when people and members of a new generation come and ask you, then tell them that here the Buddha was born, here he attained the full enlightenment, here he turned the wheel of Dharma twelve times, and here finally the Buddha entered into Parinirvana". Hundreds of years have gone by, but the architectural splendours of that era are still standing and serve as a vivid reminder of the origins of Buddhist philosophy and doctrines. As a complement to the temples and shrines, our aim is to create a living environment in which Buddha would have felt at home during his life.

Friday, May 13, 2011

रणनैतिक योजनाको परिचय (Introduction)

कुनै पनि संस्थाको समृद्धिका लागि त्यसको वर्तमान स्थितिको व्यापक र सर्वाङगीण विश्लेषण गर्दै सोही आधारमा भविष्यमा संस्थालाई कस्तो बनाउने भन्ने स्पष्ट परिकल्पना, ध्येय, लक्ष्य, उद्देश्य, रणनीति र कार्ययोजना सहित समावेश गरी तयार गरिएको दस्तावेजलाई रणनैतिक योजना (Strategic Plan) भनिन्छ । अर्थात् एउटा असल रणनैतिक योजनाले संस्थालाई भविष्यमा कस्तो बनाउन चाहेको हो, चाहे अनुसारको संस्थागत समृद्धिमा कसरी पुग्न सकिन्छ, के कस्ता लक्ष्य र उद्देश्यहरु हाँसिल गर्नु पर्ने हुन्छ, कस्ता रणनीतिहरु अपनाउनु पर्ने हो, त्यसका लागि के कस्ता कार्यहरु गर्नु पर्दछ, ती कार्यहरु सम्पन्न गर्नका लागि के कति स्रोतको आवश्यकता पर्दछ, त्यो कहाँबाट जुट्दछ, कसले सहयोग गर्दछ, कसले जिम्मेवारी लिन्छ आदि जस्ता पक्षहरु समेटेको हुन्छ ।

रणनैतिक योजना तर्जुमा (Strategic Plan) भन्नाले वर्तमान अवस्थाको सुक्ष्म र व्यापक विश्लेषण गर्दै संस्थाको समृद्धिका लागि परिकल्पना, ध्येय, लक्ष्य, उद्देश्य, आधार र प्राथमकिता, रणनीति, कार्यक्रम, क्रियाकलाप तय गरी सो हासिल गर्नका लागि सामाजिक, आर्थिक तथा मानवीय स्रोतको बाँडफाँड र समयसीमा निर्धारण गरी तर्कबद्ध शैलीमा प्रस्तुतिकरण गर्ने प्रक्रियालाई बुझिन्छ । रणनैतिक योजना संस्थागत समृद्धि (Institutional Prospertiy)का लागि सामुहिक (Collective), अन्र्तक्रियात्मक (Interactive), सहभागीतामूलक (Participatory), र तर्कबद्ध (Logical) प्रयासको प्रतिफल हो । यसमा सरोकारवालाहरुले पूर्णतः अपनत्व (Ownership)को दृष्टिले हेरेको हुनु पर्दछ जसका लागि रणनैतिक योजना एउटा सक्षम माध्यम मानिन्छ । यसमा संस्थागत समृद्धिको दिशा, इच्छा, प्रतिबद्धता, विशिष्टता, क्षमताका आधारमा प्रतिफल र प्रक्रियालाई सन्तुलित रुपमा प्रकट गरिएको हुन्छ ।

संस्थाको समृद्धिका लागि परिकल्पना, ध्येय, लक्ष्य, उद्देश्य, आधार र प्राथमकिता, रणनीति, कार्यक्रम, क्रियाकलाप तय गरी सो हासिल गर्नका लागि संस्थाको प्रभावकारी व्यवस्थापन (Effective Management) अत्यावश्यक रहेको हुन्छ । सही कार्य, सही स्थानमा सही व्यक्ति वा निकायले जवाफदेहीपूर्ण ढंगले सम्पादन गर्नका लागि रणनैतिक योजनाले मार्ग निर्दिष्ट गरेको हुन्छ । विशेष गरी संस्थाको सघन आधुनिक व्यवस्थापन प्रणाली (Intensive Modern Management System)मा रणनैतिक योजनाको विश्वव्यापी प्रचलन रहँदै आएको छ । संस्थालाई परिपक्व, आत्मनिर्भर र सक्षम बनाउदै विकास र विस्तार गर्नका लागि यसले भूमिका खेलेको हुन्छ ।

About Nagarkot

A rare opportunity .... a rare destination ... that also of prime locations on this earth. Nestled in the peak of the Nagarkot hill Hotel Country Villa will pamper you with the captivating mountains, wilderness and the unspoiled landscapes and sceneries. All rooms are well furnished and spacious with pinewood paneling, shoe-racks, attached baths with 24 hours Hot/Cold running water. Country Villa proudly boasts of having the modern facilities, communication service private verandahs, garden lounge, restaurant and bar serving delicious cuisine complemented with local and imported drinks, that is bound to soar your feeling to great heights at all times.

Only 18 kilometers from the ancient city, Bhaktapur. It takes approximately an hour by the vehicle.

Come to the Hotel Country Villa -a haven for adventure, excitement and fun that will be memorable for time immemorial.

About Nepal

Nepal is located in South Asia and shares territorial borders with India and China. Previously ruled as a kingdom, today it is a Federal Democratic Republic. Nepal is known for its exquisite natural beauty, with the iconic Himalayas running across the northern and western part of the country. Eight of the fourteen highest mountains in the world, including Mount Everest, reside within the country's borders. Although Nepal is a relatively small country in comparison with its neighbors, it has an astonishingly diverse landscape, from the rugged Himalayas in the north to the humid Terai plains in the south. The capital and largest city is Kathmandu. The currency of Nepal is the Nepalese Rupee(NPR).

Getting Here

The Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu welcomes visitors into the country and an additional 47 airports make getting around Nepal relatively easy, despite its rugged and mountainous terrain that makes some of the more remote virtually impossible to reach by road. Nepal Airlines is the official air carrier of the country, with a fleet consisting of two Boeing B-757s and seven DHC-6 Twin Otter aircraft. The railway network in Nepal is rather sparse, with the main line running between Janakpur and Jainagar, a town close to the border of India. A rail link between Nepal and Lhasa in Tibet, China is under consideration for future development.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It is known all that about honesty. Without honesty, any kind of  task do not move properly. Honesty is most important thing for the people. Although it may not give us benefit but it is not for only one, it is for nation. Now a days in our society or a nation, it is so hard to found honest people. I look my society it is so hard to me found the honest people. I was compel to say that, and see wherever those people all are vandals.

It make me offend. I ask question to me, why the people are not devoted with society? Why they don't responsible for the nation. I tell with full of sorrow. Nobody honest people is into the our nation? I am looking for a man of  parts and honest.

somebody help me to meet my ideal person. Who will conscious, fearless, and devoted for the society and all over the nation. Honesty makes man self-sufficient. If  you all are going to be honest, really our nation will prepare for surviving.

But some people never try to understand that what is happiness? They are just looking to the money. They always think about money. Than they think only about themselves and corrupt as much as they can. As a result the people will be live in under-poverty-line. But the same thing the corrupter don't care about this matter. Poverty, uneducated, unemployment, economic decrease is all are the result of corruption or a main cause of corruption.

The corrupter think that the money brings happiness but it is not true. Money brings only greed and sin. It can never buy happiness. Inner satisfaction is the true happiness. But unfortunately said they don't pay heed in this subject. Sometimes i angry with the god and i ask him, why did you create these people? who are fatal for the society and the nation.

I would like to say something, please do it yourself. try to make you honest your own. The nation need you honest people. try to understand that you can take the nation to the direction of  prosperity.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Pokhara is a famous city of  Nepal. which is mostly famous for tourism sector. As well as it is so beautiful. Here are many natural things like a moutainmaze, lake, and it is also famous for fewataal. sarankot is most beautiful place of  pokhara. Pokhara is a situated at western of  Nepal. It is also famous for paragliding. Para-gliding is so risky type of game. When the pilot giving briefing to the people, that time the people are worried for the fly. Cause it is so dangerous for them. Because they  fly in the sky from sarankot danda(which is so biggest danda)and flying time, they are so nervous, worried.


Pokhara is a famous city of  Nepal. which is mostly famous for tourism sector. As well as it is so beautiful. Here are many natural things like a moutainmaze, lake, and it is also famous for fewataal. sarankot is most beautiful place of  pokhara. Pokhara is a situated at western of  Nepal. It is also famous for paragliding. Para-gliding is so risky type of game. When the pilot giving briefing to the people, that time the people are worried for the fly. Cause it is so dangerous for them. Because they  fly in the sky from sarankot danda(which is so biggest danda)and flying time, they are so nervous, worried. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The people

Now a days in the world, population is growing up rapidly. As a result it make a pollution. Sound pollution, river pollution, route pollution, entire environment is polluting. They don't care about it. They are busy in their task. They making them monster them selves but they don't understand their excuse. at this time, the people are all selfish and they don't want to understood about philanthropy.
The people creating ferocious situation, which is not lucrative for them. population growth create famine, and also create lake of land. If the people don't be serious in the topics, they they will go in the hell. then the people wouldn't remorse with their excuse. so i would like tell something with my people be serious and determined, We contribute in this problem and we solve this problem.
 It is our magnificence with our world.